Machell Hudson is a speaker and host for both live and virtual events. She speaks on the oral systemic connection, educating dental hygienists in prevention and risk factors, the connection between oral health and cardiovascular health, and healthcare’s role in Human Trafficking awareness. She is also a regular host on Reflection Health Podcast, Time to Live Podcast, and American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) live and virtual Hot Topics events.
Speaking Presentations Course Descriptions
Don’t Let The Health of Your Mouth Break Your Heart
In the United States heart attack is the number one cause of death, while stroke is the number one most debilitating. A lesser-known fact is the important correlation shared between oral health and heart health. By understanding the role oral disease plays in the causation of heart attack and stroke, dental professionals are better equipped to promote patient heart health, and ultimately, save lives. Learn the leading evidenced based research connecting oral pathogens to heart disease. Gain a better understanding of the cutting-edge protocols including innovative testing to better diagnose, treat and educate your patients. Get excited about learning how to incorporate practical applications supported by research to treat your patients at risk for heart disease. Most importantly get ready to be wowed as you learn the important role the dental team plays in preventing and treating heart attack and stroke.
Learning Objectives
Oral pathogens and heart health
Physiologic(airway) and heart health
Diabetes and heart health
High blood pressure and heart health
Inflammatory testing and heart health
Collaboration is key
Putting out The Fire, Dentistry’s Role in Inflammatory Disease
At some point (hopefully) all dentists and hygienists ask themselves, “Is this all there is… restoring tooth after tooth and prophy after prophy, after bloody prophy?!!” If you are fedup watching disease progress, falling into never-ending pockets, and encountering constant resistance from your patients, this course if for you.
If your frontline detection of periodontal disease is a probe and radiographs, hygienists and doctors, yours is restoring one tooth at a time;this course will blow your mind! Finally, the technology hygienists deserve is affordable and easy to implement. Discover how microscopes, lasers and other advanced testing can innovate your care. Educate patients on how to improve oral health through learning how to determine risk factors, educated patients on how the mouth is connected to the body to help instill value and lastly successfully putting it all together which leads to a more enriching career.
Learning Objectives:
Periodontal disease and its role in systemic inflammation
Caries and its role in systemic inflammation
Function and physiologic and its role in systemic inflammation
Testing and technology
Putting it all together
Integrative Hygiene: Created with Purpose
Does the profession of dental hygiene fill you with excitement and purpose? Do you and your patients understand the role oral health plays in their systemic health? Are you clear on how implementing oral systemic protocols will affect the business side of your practice? In this power packed presentation, you will discover the critical role the dental hygienist plays as a leader in healthcare. Get excited knowing this is presentation packed full of evidenced based science along with nearly two decades of personal experience in a risk factor focused practice. I will share how transitioning your standard of care dental practice towards an integrative reconstructed ethical standard of care will not only change and save your patient’s lives but also empower your dental hygienist and the entire team. We will spend time learning how to predict disease risk with a focus on how to treat and prevent diseases that lead to oral and systemic inflammation. We then walk through how to personalize treatment based on each patient’s risks and more importantly how to connect with your patients in a participatory role that results in an exciting team approach. Feel confident in knowing you will have healthier patients. The bonus piece to this practice model is a more productive practice. The business of dental hygiene is often an alarm bell leading to an instant wall going up making team engagement difficult. Hygienist’s, Doctors and rest of let’s have a real conversation about the benefits of learning how healthy your dental practice based on the metrics. As an integrative hygiene coach, I often find my hygiene teams devastated when they discover the rampant amount of disease sitting in their practice. Reframe from prioritizing insurance and learn how to better communicate healthy treatment plans that will improve patient acceptance, catapult hygienist purpose within healthcare and improve understanding of the business achieving a calibrated and successful dental team.
Oral Systemic Connections 101
P4 model within Dentistry
Business of Dental Hygiene
Created for More: How to Empower the Modern Day Hygienist to Strive for Excellence (2-day course)
What is a dental hygienist? This question I ask almost at the beginning of every consult I do and even at the beginning of some speaking events. The answer I receive at least 50 % of the time if not more is “I clean teeth”. It is often followed by a plethora of other responsibilities but rarely missing a key role we as dental professionals play. What I believe is that the majority of our dental professionals do not understand the huge responsibility and incredible opportunity that we as healthcare providers have in the role of whole-body health. I get excited learning and sharing how oral health has an astounding effect on the rest of the body. This presentation is packed full of cutting-edge research proving the correlation between the mouth and the body. Get ready to learn progressive methods that will not only empower the hygienist but will also excite the entire dental team, instill a deep value within our patients which will result in a strengthened patient volume and lead to an understanding and new found love for our profession that far exceeds what we imagined or dreamed when we chose this profession we are all blessed to be in. Doctors, by elevating your hygienist’s and rest of your dental team knowledge you will increase purpose, empower your team, improve not only patient oral health but whole-body health and ultimately increase practice profitability. It’s a win-win for everyone that walks through the door of your dental practice. The course will go as followed:•AAP guidelines-breaking down how to diagnose and how to educate pts on diagnosis•Heart health and perio: infographic will be given and a video of how to educate on heart mouth correlation with a patient video will included•Diabetes and perio and will also include pt/clinician educational video•Blood pressure and perio-video included•Obesity and perio-video included•Adjunctive protocols to elevate hygiene and increase patient care hands-on workshop-bacterial disruption using lasers, freedom hand pieces and cavitrons; HbA1C testing instruction using A1C Now. All attendees will get a free test for hands on learning; salivary testing will also be hands on learning(salivary testing will be an added expense for attendees interested in having testing done on themselves.
What’s Sleep Got to Do with It:
Understanding Oral and Systemic Health as An Integrative Dental Professional
The growing responsibility of the dental professional is both exciting and, at times, overwhelming. Are you struggling with the new 2018 periodontal AAP guidelines, new and changing caries disease management recommendations, and now the expectations of adding airway screening and potentially even take on a greater responsibility and treat airway disorders? If you feel excited yet unsure how you will ever be able to understand this new oral and systemic role the dental professional is leading, this is the course for you. We will dive into this new paradigm shift that has taken on partial responsibility for preventing and treating oral diseases and sleep dysfunction, learn how oral diseases are connected to sleep health, and tie this new information into whole body health quality. Periodontal and caries diseases are both exacerbated by sleep dysfunction. Within the past decade, we have learned how oral diseases and airway dysfunction are responsible for driving the inflammatory process throughout the entire body and causal in many systemic diseases. For example, up to 50% of heart attacks and strokes, and even covid taught us an even greater lesson about how oral health and sleep are critical for immune health. We will put the puzzle pieces together and walk through the major causes of preventable disease and how airway, perio and caries are diseases that are truthfully medical conditions with dental solutions. So, get excited about the role dental professionals play as a leader in health because both sleep and oral health rank high within the pillars of health even with oral health being the lesser known. Feel confident knowing on Monday morning, following this course, you will be able to implement new skills that will not only change your patients' lives but potentially save them.
Course Objectives
Oral diseases and systemic health
Airway and oral health
Integrating oral and systemic protocols into clinical practice
Home Care with a Prescriptive Mindset: Setting Patients Up for Success
The Oral-Systemic movement has taken on a new responsibility within dentistry and the major brunt of that responsibility falls onto we dental hygienists. I take pride in knowing my patients do not view preventative care as “just a cleaning” and it brings even more joy seeing each of them reach health in ways they previously did not believe was possible. Hygienists are preventative specialists and we are magical at instilling value within our patients. Never underestimate your knowledge and your ability to create change. The less tapped into power of our profession is our ability to encourage habit change not only with educating and treating periodontal disease but most importantly the power we have in allowing our patients to participate in their own health and it is not by tackling the daunting brushing and flossing routine. There is science proving we can better create change when our patients understand they are a participant in getting them to healthy. Learn from the latest scientific research and personal experience how following a prescriptive and personalized approach involving home care tools that reduce the most bacterial load which results in a reducing inflammation within the oral microbiome and systemically. Let’s get back to providing nutritional counseling and how we can actually set our patients up for success.
Course Objectives:
Oral Systemic Connections 101
Home care: quit recommending and start prescribing
Nutrition that heals from the inside out
Oral Systemic Connections 101: Medical Conditions with Dental Solutions
The American Healthcare System is the most advanced and impressive healthcare system in the entire world. However, the United States only spends 2.5% of its healthcare expenditure on prevention. This is heartbreaking and also opportunity for our dental profession to step up and own our place as a leader within healthcare. Our profession of Dental Hygiene was created to prevent and treat oral diseases, but little did we know until recently just how big our role in prevention was going to be. We not only have an opportunity to prevent and treat oral disease but through collaborative care we are also preventing and treating diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and so much more. This presentation will walk you through some of the leading causes of preventable disease in our country and help instill a better understanding of how the mouth is connected to the body. Feel empowered knowing you are no longer treating periodontal disease and caries disease with no hope of hopping off the roller coaster between health and active disease leaving you and your patients frustrated. Learn from scientific peer reviewed research and clinical experience of two decades how to collaboratively look for root cause inflammation and find solutions for each patient dependent upon their risks. You will walk away feeling confident in how you can not only change your patients’ lives but also save them.
Course Objectives:
P4 Risk Factor Protocol
Oral and Systemic Connections 101
Collaborative Care: Where to Begin
Identifying and Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking in the Clinical Setting
January 2019 I entered the Dominican Republic to participate in a dental mission with so much excitement, love and eagerness to help care for the Dominican peoples healthcare needs, but sadly my entire world was instantly changed when I witnessed human trafficking for the first time. Not being a crime in the D.R. it is not often a fear to have this horrendous crime hidden. Given an opportunity to spend time with the survivors I felt a new purpose flood my heart. Little did I know that trafficking was just as rampant in my own country and happening right before my eyes. I just don't understand how to look for it. You will too be crushed to learn the prevalence in our country. In a survivor focused survey, an astounding 87.8% of sex trafficking survivors saw a healthcare provider while being trafficked. Most were not identified as victims. This crushes my heart and has set my heart and passion on fire to spread awareness in hopes in helping to end this horrific crime. We have an opportunity to do better as healthcare providers. This presentation has been created by leading experts that are dedicated to being the generation to finally end human trafficking. Learn how you as a healthcare provider can be equipped to address this issue most likely not IF but WHEN your office is faced with this scary and heartbreaking situation.
Course Objectives:
Understand different types of human trafficking and their local, statewide and international prevalence.
Identify potential signs of human trafficking in victims who present for care in a medical setting.
Understand who should participate I a multidisciplinary care model for victim identification and recovery.
Discover immediate healthcare needs of identified victims.
Develop their basic ability for trauma-informed response.
Learn about available resources for victim service aftercare.